Thursday, December 28, 2017

SG 2017.

Since I'm not lazy anymore, I can now blog about our trip last July. :) An out of the country trip. I was glad that I was able to squeeze in this said trip. Well I don't have much on my schedule anyway hahaha! I can say that it was a "biglaan" one again. It wasn't really planned that long, just two months I guess. Or that doesn't count as a biglaan? Hahaha anyway... I didn't really do anything much for this said trip. It was my sister and niece who planned the whole trip, from the booking to the itinerary. :) 

I was really excited for this trip even though I already went to Singapore because this time I'm with a different company. The last time I went there I was with "oldies" hehe sorry mommy. This time around I'm with my nieces who are just a little younger than me plus my older sister as well. :)

So now let me share with you our trip :)

Day 1.
We had an early flight, 7:45 if I remember it right. I liked the time of our flight 'coz we got to maximize our day. I decided to go to the airport by 5:30am, thanks to my kuya for bringing me to the airport :) We arrived at Singapore at around 1pm?

While waiting for our flight :)

lunch :)
At the airport :)
First thing we did upon arriving was to buy the EZ link card which we can use for trains and buses. We were supposed to get the tourist pass but it is only good for 3 days so we just bought the regular one. After buying, we went straight to the hotel to leave our baggages and freshen up.

The bus station just beside our hotel :)
Haha I just saw the photo bomber just now :))

First on our list to do that day was to go to Chinatown to get our tickets for the attractions we booked. 

Next stop was Bugis. This became our "favorite" place 'coz almost everyday we went there. Hahaha. We went there to buy a sim card which my niece can use for internet connection. We also had our dinner there, we had the never ending Chicken Rice :) 

Our "favorite" hahaha
This was the sim card used. :) I highly recommend buying one when you plan on going here. :)

Chicken Rice!! 

After dinner, we just walked around Bugis to get some dessert. While walking, we saw this Korean dessert house across the street and decided to give it a try. We had bingsu!! Yay :) It was really delicious.

Next thing to do: to figure out how to get back to the hotel from there. Hahaha. Good thing we have an internet connection. And the train/bus rides were actually easy to follow. So we decided to take the bus ride going back to the hotel. We went down at the wrong bus stop, just one stop ahead anyway so we just walked from there. Walking there during the night really felt safe not like here in Manila -_- So that ended the day, it was a really long one even though it's not evident in what I've stated. It's more of a walking adventure for the day. We went home at around 11 already. Our feet hurt.-_-

Day 2.
We already talked about waking up early to be able to maximize our day. After taking a bath, we all went down to have our breakfast. Breakfast buffet for the next four days, wow!! Walang diet daw muna. 😂 I really enjoyed our breakfast, well I enjoy eating in general. Hahaha!

After breakfast, our first stop was the Singapore Art Museum. From our hotel, we again rode the bus and just walked from the stop nearest to the museum.

On our way to the museum.
We really liked riding their double-decker buses :)

After going to the museum we met up with my sister and my other niece. They just arrived that day 'coz my niece still had classes the day before. Guess where we met? At Bugis 😅 We just walked around Bugis and looked for a place to have lunch. My sister saw this place and she said it was good there. We ate at Nando's for lunch :) I felt really full!! 

After lunch, we went to Haji Lane. We tried this Hokkaido ice cream puff we saw while walking along Haji Lane, it was yummy. :)

Then we went back to the hotel for some of us to change and freshen up. After, we headed to Gardens by the Bay. We went to two attractions there, the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest. I was really amazed with the Flower Dome. It was so nice!! The flowers were really nice to look at. And it was really cold inside, so cool! Hahaha.

We didn't stay too long at the Cloud Forest 'coz there were so many people, the line was already long and we were already contented with what we saw. So we just decided to go out and see the Supertree Grove. It was also great! I bet it's even better at night, with all the lights and stuff.

Next on our list for that day was the Marina Bay Sands SkyPark. Again, there were a lot of people and we had to line up for an hour I think? But it was worth it. The view from the top was breathtaking, figuratively and literally. 🤣 Well, I'm not afraid of heights but if you're the type who is, then I guess this isn't made for you. But it's good to try something new once in a while right? If I go back to Singapore next time, I would go at the SkyPark during the day. Just to have a better look at the city :)

Last thing to do for that day: have our dinner!! We had our dinner at Makansutra. We were all tired and hungry that time. Our feet hurt so bad. All we wanted to do after dinner was to go back to the hotel and rest and prepare for the next day :)


Day 3.

Again, we woke up early to get ready for today's itinerary and have our breakfast.

Breakfast before anything else :)

For that day we went to Sentosa :) Our first stop: Madame Tussauds. We enjoyed taking pictures with all the wax figures there :) They all look so real. 😱 Here are just some of our pictures. ('coz we had a LOT😂)

Then after, we went to the attraction called "Images of Singapore Live" wherein there were actors and special effects as well. It was a unique way to learn more about how Singapore started. We had no pictures there since photo taking was not allowed.
While waiting for the show to start. 

Next, we went to the Trick Eye Museum. We also had fun in there, a whole bunch of pictures were added again. :)

Then, next attraction was the Singapore Cable Car. It has two lines, one is the Mount Faber Line and the other one is the Sentosa Line. We had a great view from above. I enjoyed our cable car ride :)

Our view from the top.

Next thing we did was to go to some shopping centers. They went shopping, not me hahaha. *kuripot mode* We went to Queensway Shopping Centre and to Mustafa Centre which is a 24-hour shopping mall. After all the walking and shopping(?), we went back to the hotel to eat the chicken and fries we bought at a store just outside Mustafa Centre. :)) It was another long day, tiring but fun. 😊
End of day 3.

Day 4. 
Again and again, we woke up early for today's adventure. This day was reserved for Universal Studios. :) We weren't able to ride a lot of attractions 'coz of the long lines. I guess that's one thing you should expect in theme parks. Even if it's a weekday, long lines will never be gone.Waiting in line took most of our time there but nonetheless, we had fun. :)

We just had to take a photo here. You know how I love minions 💓

Picture taking just to kill time. 

never ending line 😅

Yeah, we're tired 😑😅

the clouds 😍😍😍

The obligatory shot 😊

When we were already tired from all the rides and lining up we did, we decided to go to Central Perk. This was on top of our list since Day 1 'coz we're all HUGE Friends fans. Good thing that we were able to squeeze it in to our day. Yay!! :)) We then had our coffee and dinner there.

The food's great!

Look at their menu, so cool :))

The famous couch at Central Perk.
We were literally smiling during our whole stay there. By the way, Friends was being shown there. So we got to reminisce and talk about some of the episodes being shown. It was definitely a great place to hangout for Friends fans like us hehe 😊😉

And after, we went to Merlion Park. Our Singapore trip won't be complete without seeing the Merlion right? We actually got lost while trying to get there from Central Perk hahaha. But we made it! Yay for us haha. That time it was only the four of us left, my sister and other niece already went home 'coz my niece had classes the next day. Too bad she wasn't able to come to Central Perk with us. :(

Another obligatory shot in SG 😊

Again, at the end of this day our feet hurt! We deserve a foot massage hahaha :))
From Merlion Park, we again tried to figure out how to get back to the hotel. It involved a lot of walking again. And yes, we made it to the hotel! Time to rest. :)

Day 5.
Our last day in Singapore. :( Bitin. Well, come to think of it I guess five days in Singapore would be enough. We were able to do a lot for the past four days already right? So yeah, it was enough haha! For our last day, we also woke up early for breakfast and for us to be able to line up early to buy Irvin's Salted Egg Potato Chips and Fish Skin. We've been hearing a lot about it so we decided to give it a try, to see what the fuzz is all about. And yes, it's good but not something I could eat continuously. It still has an "umay" factor, for me. After buying, we went back to the hotel to fix our things then we went straight to the airport. We just decided to spend our afternoon there since a lot can already be done inside the airport. Our flight back home was at 7pm. So we really did spend a LOT of our time in the airport. :)

Just chillin' while waiting for our flight :) 

lol. too bright 😅

'Till next time Singapore. We had a blast! 💗

It was a great trip indeed. Everything was great since Day 1 and I couldn't have had any better company. Now I miss Singapore -_- :)) Where's our next destination girls? Hahaha. To more trips together! :)

Yay! Thanks for taking the time to read this loooooong blog post of mine. Have a great day guys!💜

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